Hansastraße 40
59557 Lippstadt
Telefon: +49 (0) 2941/66 - 60 00
Fax: +49 (0) 2941/66 - 60 01
Register court: Amtsgericht Paderborn, HRB 15212
Directors: Michael Jaeger (CEO), Yu-Chih Tseng (CFO)
VAT number: DE 812 809 825
Conception and realisation
The website was conceived and realized
by the media agency motor4 -
Terms of Use & Liability
The contents of the website of BHTC GmbH are for informational purposes only.
The entries and articles provided have been carefully checked. In spite of this, BHTC GmbH cannot guarantee the completeness, correctness or topicality of the information contained therein. BHTC GmbH excludes all liability for damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website provided it is not based on intent or gross negligence on the part of BHTC GmbH.
No liability is accepted for the content of websites linked to from this website or which link to the website of BHTC GmbH.
Prior consent must be obtained from BHTC GmbH for the duplication, distribution or other use of the information and articles on this website.
BHTC GmbH respects your right to privacy
Protecting your privacy when processing personal details and the security of all business data are important to us and are reflected in our business processes. BHTC GmbH web pages may have links to the websites of other providers, which this Privacy Policy does not cover.
Automatically documented, non-personal data
When you access our website, we may automatically (i.e. not via registration) collect information that is not related to a specific individual (e.g. the Internet browser and operating system used, the domain name of the website from which you came, number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed). We use this data to determine the appeal of our website and improve its performance and content.
Collecting and processing personal data
When you access our website via telecommunication services, communications data (e.g. Internet Protocol address) and usage data (e.g. information on the start and duration of use and the telecommunication services used by you) are automatically generated by technical means. These might allow possible conclusions to be drawn in respect of personal data. Where there is an absolute need to collect, process and use your communications and usage data, this shall be performed in accordance with data privacy law.
Use and transmission of personal data and purpose limitation
We shall not pass on your data to third parties external to BHTC GmbH without your consent.
BHTC GmbH uses technical and organisational security measures to protect the data we manage against manipulation, loss, destruction and unauthorised access or disclosure. Our security measures are continuously being improved upon and adapted in line with technological developments.
If you have any comments or complaints relating to the processing of your personal data, please send an email or letter to our data protection officer. If incorrect information is saved in spite of our efforts to maintain accurate data, we will correct this at your request.